Alexander William Schneider, Jr., PE, F-IEEE
1945 Born to Alexander William and Jennylouise Standish (Lockwood-White) Schneider in Kalamazoo, MI. 1967 Earns a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Northwestern University.
1945 Born to Alexander William and Jennylouise Standish (Lockwood-White) Schneider in Kalamazoo, MI. 1967 Earns a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Northwestern University.
1933 Born to Byron Wesley and Margaret Lucile (Walter) Kingsolver in Colorado. 1951 Attends the University of Colorado and works as an extra clerk for
1939 Born to Joseph Henry Brierly and Anna (Trafalski) Molitz in Highland Park, MI. 1960 Earns an Associate of Science in engineering from Henry Ford
1943 Born to Garland Buffington and Alice Ruth (Humphries) Bowen in Huntington, WV. 1964 Earns a Bachelor of Science in metallurgy from the Case Institute