Srinivas Savitala
1976 Born to Subrahmanyam Savitala and Pushpa Lata Savitala in India. 1996 Graduates from the Loyola Academy at Osmania University with a Bachelor of Science
1976 Born to Subrahmanyam Savitala and Pushpa Lata Savitala in India. 1996 Graduates from the Loyola Academy at Osmania University with a Bachelor of Science
1956 Born in Nashville, TN, to parents Edward and Carolyn. 1980 Marries his wife, Carol “Casey” Clark Boling. 1980 Earns a Bachelor of Arts in
1953 Born in Salt Lake City, UT, to Florence Irene Steiner and Alex Kisselman. 1976 Earns a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and a
1930 Is born in Vermont. 1942 Begins his career in broadcasting at the age of 12. 1948 Undertakes undergraduate coursework at Middlebury College until 1952.