Valeria A. Ford
1970 Earns a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Hampton University. 1976 Achieves a Master of Arts in educational psychology from the Pennsylvania State University.
1970 Earns a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Hampton University. 1976 Achieves a Master of Arts in educational psychology from the Pennsylvania State University.
1957 Born to Thomas Lyle Anderson and Darlene Dolores Miley in Long Beach, CA. 1979 Earns an Associate of Arts in general education, foreign language
1922 Born to LeRoy Curtis Ziegler and Daisy (Gesin) Ziegler in Warrem, PA. 1943 Earns a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Pennsylvania State
1941 Born to Winslow S. and Esther (Hoagland) Gallup in Newton, NJ. 1963 Works for Documentation Inc. in Bethesda, MD until 1965. 1965 Is a