Arthur T. King
1938 Born to Harvey James and Elizabeth (Williams) King in Greensboro, AL. 1962 Earns a Bachelor of Science in biology from Tuskegee University; Marries Rosa
1938 Born to Harvey James and Elizabeth (Williams) King in Greensboro, AL. 1962 Earns a Bachelor of Science in biology from Tuskegee University; Marries Rosa
1941 Born to John Matthew and Harriet (Bannatyne) Moelmann in Oak Park, IL. 1965 Earns a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Bradley University.
1949 Born to Louis Kuk and Mary Ann (Popdan) Kuk in Clinton, IA. 1965 Is a fire explorer scout for the Clinton Fire Department in
1950 Born in Monango, ND, a small town in Dickey County that is now a ghost town; Is baptized into the Kingdom of God. 1955