Christian T. Hoffman, Jr., PE & LS
1936 Born to Christian Thomas and Elizabeth Margaret Hoffman in Neptune Township, NJ. 1960 Becomes a member of Tau Beta Pi. 1961 Earns an undergraduate
1936 Born to Christian Thomas and Elizabeth Margaret Hoffman in Neptune Township, NJ. 1960 Becomes a member of Tau Beta Pi. 1961 Earns an undergraduate
1932 Born to Fred and Zenia (Chambers) Fordemwalt in Parsons, KS. 1955 Earns a Bachelor of Science from the University of Arizona. 1956 Achieves a
1948 Born to Shu Tsai and Kwei (Kao) Tsai in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 1970 Earns a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from National Taiwan University.
1954 Born in Old Bridge, NJ on November 23. 1984 Earns a Bachelor of Arts in theology from the College of Emporia. 1995 Is the