Howard Shigeharu Mende
1947 Mr. Mende is born in Hilo, Hawaii to Tsutomu and Harue Mende. 1969 Mr. Mende receives a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from
1947 Mr. Mende is born in Hilo, Hawaii to Tsutomu and Harue Mende. 1969 Mr. Mende receives a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from
1934 Mr. Koucky is born in Chicago, Illinois to Frank Louis Koucky and Ella Koucky. 1957 Mr. Koucky receives a Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical
1937 Dr. Hansel is born in New York City, New York to Gordon and Edith Hansel. 1955 Dr. Hansel graduates with honors from Brooklyn Technical
1927 Mr. Husby is born in Minneapolis, Minnesota to Olaf and Elsie Louise Husby. 1945 Mr. Husby joins the U.S. Navy. 1952 Mr. Husby receives