Dr. George William Taylor
1934 Dr. Taylor is born in Perth, Australia. 1957 Dr. Taylor marries Cynthia Hatch Taylor and receives a Bachelor of Engineering with honors from the
1934 Dr. Taylor is born in Perth, Australia. 1957 Dr. Taylor marries Cynthia Hatch Taylor and receives a Bachelor of Engineering with honors from the
1951 Dr. Fairobent is born in Detroit, Michigan to Jack Edward and Doris Kathleen Fairobent. 1968 Dr. Fairobent is named valedictorian at Stevenson High School
1970 Dr. John O. Hallquist graduates magna cum laude from Western Michigan University, receiving a Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering. 1971 John receives a
1933 Mr. Mise is born in Jonesville, Virginia to Clabe Moss Mise and Gladys Elizabeth Mise. 1957 Mr. Mise receives a Bachelor of Science in