Dr. Kenneth Ellis
1981 Is a member of the United States Marine Corps through 1985. 1982 Earns an Associate Degree in avionics from the Naval Air Technical Training
1981 Is a member of the United States Marine Corps through 1985. 1982 Earns an Associate Degree in avionics from the Naval Air Technical Training
1982 Is on the board of elders for his local church until 2012; Is the treasurer of his local church until 1998. 1989 Works with
1933 Is born in Richardsville, KY, to parents Ivar and Helen. 1952 Serves as a member of the United States Navy Reserve (USNR) until 1982.
1944 Born to parents Carlton and Melinda in Chicago, IL. 1966 Earns a BSEE from the Illinois Institute of Technology; Is a development engineer at