Richard G. Runyon
1948 Born to Lt. Col. Harold G. Runyon and Betty A. Runyon in Germany. 1968 Is a student worker with the Los Angeles Police Department
1948 Born to Lt. Col. Harold G. Runyon and Betty A. Runyon in Germany. 1968 Is a student worker with the Los Angeles Police Department
1937 Born to Egisto Mazzucato and Palmira (Nalesso) Mazzucato in Padua, Italy. 1960 Earns a Doctor of Philosophy in physics from the University of Padua.
1931 Born to Milner Ray and Elsie (Hoffa) I. Evert in Mount Carmel, PA. 1952 Earns a Bachelor of Science from the Pennsylvania State University.
1968 Earns a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University. 1970 Achieves a Master of Science in electrical engineering and computer science from