Christian-Andrew Wethe
1942 Born to Christen Christensen Wethe and Solveig Ruth (Hessen) Wethe in Brooklyn, NY. 1964 Earns a Bachelor of Science in engineering from Brown University.
1942 Born to Christen Christensen Wethe and Solveig Ruth (Hessen) Wethe in Brooklyn, NY. 1964 Earns a Bachelor of Science in engineering from Brown University.
1936 Born to Leroy Priess and Biona L. Priess in Stafford, KS. 1969 Begins working as an engineer for NASA-JSC. 1974 Receives the Skylab Achievement
1937 Born to John Francis Barrett Sr. and Cuba Marie Shaw Barrett in Cleveland, OH. 1968 Receives the Meritorious Service Medal with Three Clusters from
1947 Born to Harry Dale and Ruth Pauline (Roederer) Raduege in Columbus, OH. 1970 Earns a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from Capital University. 1970