Andrey N. Serebryany, DSc
1953 Born to Ninel Semenovich and Irina Il’inichna in Severomorsk, Russia. 1977 Earns a Master of Science in engineering and physics from MIET. 1977 Works
1953 Born to Ninel Semenovich and Irina Il’inichna in Severomorsk, Russia. 1977 Earns a Master of Science in engineering and physics from MIET. 1977 Works
1930 Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota to Joseph Daniel and Anna Novak. 1952 Receives a Bachelor of Science from the University of Minnesota, and becomes teaching
1971 Receives an honorary Bachelor of Science from the University of Florida, and later studies postgraduate courses. 1971 Becomes an instructor in the Department of
1939 Born to Julius Hauser and Sylvia Ann Hauser in Chicago, Illinois. 1962 Earns a Bachelor in Engineering Physics from Cornell University with distinction. 1967