Margaret Boone Rappaport, PhD
1946 Born in Washington, DC to parents Arthur Robinson Boone and Ann Elizabeth Knowles Boone. 1964 Graduates from Yorktown High School in Arlington, VA. 1968
1946 Born in Washington, DC to parents Arthur Robinson Boone and Ann Elizabeth Knowles Boone. 1964 Graduates from Yorktown High School in Arlington, VA. 1968
1961 Earns a Bachelor of Science in geology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 1963 Is a research assistant to Dr. Takashi Ichiye at the Lamont–Doherty
1936 Born to parents Hardy and Mary in Minneapolis, MN. 1957 Receives a Bachelor of Arts from Middlebury College. 1963 Earns a Doctor of Philosophy
1961 Begins working in the manufacturing industry at the age of eight. 1969 Begins a four-year course in tool-making at the Eli Whitney Vocational College;