Category: Law

R. Norwood Gay III

1937 Born on December 26 in Jacksonville, FL. 1959 Earns a Bachelor of Science from the University of Florida and is inducted into the University

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Alex Ford

1945 Born to Robert Wood Duckworth-Ford and Pierette Francis (De Vincenzi) Duckworth-Ford in Oakland, CA. 1969 Earns a Bachelor of Arts in recreational administration from

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Leon Schekter

1929 Born in Brooklyn, NY on April 10. 1947 Graduates from Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn, NY. 1951 Earns a Bachelor of Business Administration

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Michael J. Eyre

1960 Born to James Eyre and Jo-Ann Eyre in Inglewood, CA. 1982 Earns a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from the University of California,

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