Marlene Joy Bielenberg Barr
1935 Born to Max John and Viola Christina (Funke) Bielenberg in Grosse Pointe Farms, MI. 1954 Marries John Monte Barr, Sr. on December 17. 1956
1935 Born to Max John and Viola Christina (Funke) Bielenberg in Grosse Pointe Farms, MI. 1954 Marries John Monte Barr, Sr. on December 17. 1956
1943 Born in Alexandria, VA on April 19. 1972 Is a congressional staff assistant to Congressman Jack Brooks (D-Texas) until 1976. 1976 Works for Congressman
1939 Born on June 24 in Schuyler, NE. 1954 Serves in the U.S. Air Force until 1957. 1956 Is a communications officer with the U.S.
1932 Born on April 20 in San Francisco, CA. 1952 Serves in the U.S. Army until 1955. 1958 Earns a Bachelor of Science in Asian