Hugh M. Ferguson, MBA, CPA
1934 Born to Robert Woods Ferguson and Charlotte Evelyn (Hemmings) Ferguson in Tacoma, WA. 1956 Is selected to be a member of the exclusive group
1934 Born to Robert Woods Ferguson and Charlotte Evelyn (Hemmings) Ferguson in Tacoma, WA. 1956 Is selected to be a member of the exclusive group
1925 Born to Narciso Solidum and Sergia Solidum in Honolulu, HI. 1945 Serves within the 30th Topographic Battalion of the United States Army through 1947.
1934 Born to Ralph Royal Whitney and Florence Elizabeth Whitney in Philadelphia, PA. 1957 Earns a Bachelor of Arts in English and history from the
1958 Is a member of the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) in Hershey, PA. 1960 Founds the 500-Member Antique Car Club of Greater Baltimore.