Robert W. Bolois, PhD
1946 Is born in Sharon, PA, to parents Andrew John Bolois and Mary Eugene Bolois. 1966 Is a pastor for the Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection
1946 Is born in Sharon, PA, to parents Andrew John Bolois and Mary Eugene Bolois. 1966 Is a pastor for the Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection
1979 Works on behalf of the Honduran Coffee Institute until 1985. 1996 Serves as administrator of Volunteer and Community Relations at the Catholic Social Services
1966 Immigrates to Puerto Rico. 1966 Serves as the regional director for Bible correspondence courses at Escuela Biblica Emmaus through today. 1971 Establishes the El
1960 Is born in Santa Monica, CA to parents Pamela and Walter. 1983 Serves with the U.S. Air Force until 1987. 1988 Is recognized for