Jeanette Passty
1947 Born in Los Angeles, California to Walter Isaac and Mollie Sarah Nyda. 1966 Receives an Associate of Arts from Los Angeles Valley College. 1968
1947 Born in Los Angeles, California to Walter Isaac and Mollie Sarah Nyda. 1966 Receives an Associate of Arts from Los Angeles Valley College. 1968
1930 Born in Buffalo, New York to Cyril Gyrard and Edith Irene Warthling. 1951 Receives a Bachelor of Arts from Nazareth College. 1954 Marries Edward
1931 Is born in Littlefield, Texas to John William and Kittie James. 1952 Receives a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Texas Tech University.
1952 Ms. Garfield-Woodbridge becomes an editorial assistant at the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research in New York, New York. She also works on the publications