Carolyn G. VanAsdale Bordelon
1942 Is born in Shelby, OH to parents Burton and Opal. 1966 Earns a Bachelor of Arts in American history and political science from Otterbein
1942 Is born in Shelby, OH to parents Burton and Opal. 1966 Earns a Bachelor of Arts in American history and political science from Otterbein
1947 Is born in Montgomery, AL to parents George and Marjorie. 1971 Earns a Bachelor of Arts in history, philosophy and religion from the University
1974 Earns a Bachelor of Science in education and geography at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 1975 Receives a Master of Arts in geography,
1940 Born to parents Alfred and Cleopatra in Honduras. 1975 Earns a master’s degree in foreign languages and literature from the University of Veracruz. 1982