Jessica A. Steckler, MS, RNBC, CH
1941 Born to parents Edward Anthony and Mary Elizabeth Debes in York, PA. 1963 Earns a diploma at the Bryn Mawr Hospital School of Nursing.
1941 Born to parents Edward Anthony and Mary Elizabeth Debes in York, PA. 1963 Earns a diploma at the Bryn Mawr Hospital School of Nursing.
1958 Born to Harry Joseph Ragen and Helen Louise (Abel) Ragen in San Diego, CA. 1980 Earns a Bachelor of Arts from Pomona College. 1983
2008 Works at the help desk of the maintenance department at Saint Joseph’s College until 2011. 2011 Earns a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice
1950 Born to Maybelle Turner and Willie Clarence Turner in Mason City, IA. 1978 Earns a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Iowa. 1981